The Holoubek Protect joint-stock company operates on the market as a commercial enterprise with a priority focus on wholesale in several product segments: personal protective equipment (clothing, shoes, and accessories), chemist’s, plastics, sorbents, rubber, tools, and craftsperson goods. In its activities, it continues in the more than fifty-year tradition of Řempo Wholesale.
Today, the HOLOUBEK PROTECT company ranks among the largest distributors of PPE in the Czech Republic. It is a very dependable supplier of overhead materials that can also ensure the printing or embroidery of company logos on workwear. It is also able to provide such services as facultative compensation or the provision of consignment warehouses. Since 2016, the HOLOUBEK PROTECT company has been operating one of the most modern warehouses in the Czech Republic in the city of Pardubice. Here, the receipt and distribution of goods is managed using barcode readers and the WMS computer system. This significantly increases the effectiveness of storage and the speed and accuracy of the receipt and distribution of goods.
This sheltered workshop employs people with health disadvantages. It also provides goods and services in the so-called facultative compensation regime in accordance with the Labour Code.